‘Restoring Hope & Dignity’: Bob Hermann on AfS & Rotary’s role in Creating Brighter Futures

It’s been 20 years since Alliance for Smiles was formed with the mission to transform the lives of children born with cleft lip and palate by providing free comprehensive treatment.

As we grew, so did our objectives which now includes training, equipping and empowering local medical providers to address the long-term needs of cleft patients. 

To celebrate our 20th anniversary, we wanted to not just look back on our journey, but also the people who made our missions possible – the many volunteers who generously shared their time, experience and skills; the staff who work tirelessly behind the scenes and the board members and volunteers whose knowledge and expertise shape our future. 

Bob Hermann
President of the Rotary Club of San Francisco & AfS Volunteer


Bob Hermann, President of the Rotary Club of San Francisco, shares his experience volunteering with AfS during a mission to Aswan, Egypt. He reflects on the transformative impact of cleft surgeries, particularly the story of Baby Zien, AfS’ 7,000th patient. Hermann also highlights the alignment between AfS and Rotary’s missions of service, urging fellow Rotarians to get involved in changing lives.

Read his detailed interview below:

What made you want to first volunteer for Alliance for Smiles (AfS)?

Bob Hermann: My desire to volunteer with AfS stems from my extensive experience in healthcare IT, where I’ve spent over 26 years supporting care delivery. Throughout my career, I’ve collaborated closely with both clinical and non-clinical teams, gaining a deep understanding of their workflows and the intricacies of patient care.

While AfS utilizes a local computerized access database, I recognize the importance of adaptable solutions that foster collaboration among diverse care teams. My background has taught me that effective communication and teamwork are vital in enhancing patient outcomes and streamlining processes.

You traveled to Aswan, Egypt on AfS’ mission – tell us about your experience. 

Bob Hermann: By volunteering with AFS, I was able to contribute my insights and experiences to initiatives aimed at strengthening teamwork and improving access to critical information for care teams. As the medical records coordinator on the AFS mission, I was responsible for managing patient records, keeping track of the medical record charts, and ensuring that the thorough details provided by clinicians (including Patient Intake, Anesthesia, and the Surgeon) were accurately recorded in the access database. This database served as the evidence retained by AFS, while the physical patient charts remained with the hospital.

My experience at the hospital in Aswan, Egypt, was one of joy and achievement. I had the privilege of working with a dedicated team of volunteers from both the United States and Egypt, in partnership with Rotarians and the American Field Services Intercultural Program. The young adults from the program provided invaluable translation services, helping us bridge the gap as we came to support their community.

As I registered families into the database from various cities in Egypt, including Edfu, Kom Ombo, Alexandria, and Luxor, I learned about their journeys. These families traveled great distances using various forms of transportation to see their loved ones healed and transformed by the grace and expertise of the physicians and caregiving teams.

This trip is one I will never forget. While I had the opportunity to help transform the lives of children, I also experienced personal growth through my involvement.

Is there one story that stands out from your mission trip with AfS?

Bob Hermann: There are many stories to tell from my mission trip to AfS. One in particular touched me deeply—Baby Zien’s story. People traveled great distances for cleft lip and palate surgeries, and Zien’s case was truly remarkable.

As the medical records coordinator, I was blessed to work with wonderful teams from American Field Services who supported our efforts with translations and an understanding of the culture. Zien was born in the small Egyptian city of Edfu with a severe cleft lip and palate. His parents heard about our trip and made the decision to travel many miles and hours. They knew that this might be the only opportunity to receive this much needed repair at no cost.

When they checked Baby Zien in, they met the Alliance for Smiles’ team and discovered not only that Zien would receive the surgery he desperately needed, but also that he would become a celebrity—he was the 7,000th child treated by AfS!

Zien’s surgery went flawlessly and his family’s gratitude shone on their faces. They left with bright hopes for Zien’s future, filled with wonderful possibilities they once thought were out of reach.

AfS works closely with the Rotary Club of SF and other Rotarians. As the Rotary Club of SF President, explain to us why the objectives of the two organizations align so well?

Bob Hermann: The objectives of Alliance for Smiles (AfS) and the Rotary Club of San Francisco align beautifully because both organizations are deeply committed to service and community betterment. AfS focuses on transforming the lives of children affected by cleft lip and palate through comprehensive treatment and local capacity building. This mission resonates with Rotary’s dedication to service above self, particularly in health and education which is one of Rotary’s seven areas of focus.

Both organizations prioritize sustainable impact; AfS not only provides immediate medical care but also trains local teams to ensure ongoing support. Similarly, Rotary emphasizes empowering communities to become self-sufficient. By collaborating, we can enhance health outcomes and improve quality of life in underserved areas, creating lasting change that reflects our shared values of compassion, service, and empowerment.

What message do you have for fellow Rotarians who are looking to volunteer or contribute to AfS?

Bob Hermann: To my fellow Rotarians and other volunteers considering volunteering or contributing to Alliance for Smiles, I encourage you to take this opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of children and their communities. Your support—whether through time, talents/skills, or donations—can help provide life-changing surgeries and training for local healthcare teams.

Get involved!

This is not just about addressing a medical need; it’s about restoring hope and dignity to families. Together, we can ensure that children with cleft lip and palate receive the care they deserve and that communities are equipped to continue this vital work for years to come. Let’s unite our efforts in service and create a brighter future for those in need.