Get Involved
The success of Alliance for Smiles depends on fundraising support from individuals like you and groups that want to do something wonderful.
Anybody can fundraise!
There are so many ways you can coordinate a benefit for AfS. We have the materials and ideas to back you up and help make your event fun and successful.
Here are some great fund-raising ideas:
Hold a dinner/party to benefit AfS. It’s a fun and unique way to raise money and awareness.
What: A dinner to benefit Alliance for Smiles! Donations will support our upcoming medical missions.
How: Each host will collect money from their guests to attend a dinner or party. All funds will be donated to AfS.
Here are some ideas for events:
- Dinner for 10 @ $75 per person
- Barbeque for 20 @ $30 per person
- Gourmet Dinner for 6 @ $100 per person
- Superbowl Party @ $20 per person, with a “split-the-winnings” pool
When: Whenever you want! Originally held in February of 2010 to coincide with National Children’s Dental Health Month, this has now become a year-round event that can be held at a time convenient for you.
Where: Each host will sponsor an event in the location of their choosing. People have held events at their houses, at parks, or have even gotten a local restaurant or bar to donate their space.
Why: Our goal is to raise funds to help transform children’s lives and increase public awareness of the work of AfS.
For further information or if you are interested in hosting an event – please contact us.
There are many ways you can fulfill your Rotary service requirement with AfS. Make Alliance for Smiles your Club’s International Service Project!
Rotarians Making Service Real with Alliance for Smiles
AfS will partner with Rotary Clubs and Districts and provide a vehicle for Rotarians to be involved in a hands-on world community service project. AfS will actively promote Rotary while on site by giving recognition to the Clubs and Districts that support the mission.
While not an official project of Rotary International, AfS will strive, like other world community service projects, to give Rotary a face in the world. We will credit support from Clubs and Districts by reporting back to them the results of their monetary and service contributions. It is the goal of AfS to give an identity to the work of Rotarians in the world community so that when areas served look at the work of AfS, they will see Rotary at work.
Your Rotary Club can make a difference by bringing hope and smiles to these beautiful children! By partnering with Alliance for Smiles, together we can offer the life changing surgeries that these children desperately need. All for as little as $1,000 per child!
An easy way to fulill your World Community Service Requirement!
To arrange for a speaker to come to your Rotary Club and to learn about ways you and your club can help bring smiles to children across the world, please contact us.
Are you a dental professional? Your dental office could host a teeth-whitening fundraiser to benefit cleft lip and cleft palate children around the world!
To provide teeth whitening trays to any person wishing to make a direct donation to Alliance for Smiles for this service.
Set a date, make a schedule and staff volunteers! Make a schedule depending on your office size and hours you will work. You could do a one day fundraiser during which the office is dedicated to only scheduling teeth whitenings or you can do an entire month in which all teeth whitening will be at a discounted price and be a direct donation to Alliance for Smiles.
If someone is not a current patient in your office, it is advised to do an exam prior to impressions being taken.
Set a Price
Set your own patient fee depending on office location and economic climate. Suggested retail cost and donation to Alliance for Smiles is $150.00-$200.00 – based on whitening trays, valued at $350.00
Procure all materials needed.
Ask for donations and discounts on supplies! Have as much organized before the day as possible.
You will need:
- whitening kits
- all materials to take and pour impressions (use disposable trays)
- mixing bowls
- spatulas
- alginates
- lab bins
- patient information slip
- bibs/clips
- basic setups
- all materials and equipment needed to fabricate trays
- bags with handles are a nice touch for patients to bring their materials home in
- be sure to include an AfS brochure.
Inform Patients and Advertise
Advertise to current patients, friends and family. Once your date is set, start telling every patient! Involve your local Rotary Club to possibly send out an email blast to your area Rotarians who may like to take part. Place signs in your office informing patients of the date. Add an information sheet to your patient take home bags. Put a tag line on all reminder cards for patients. Let your patients know that this is open to everyone, not limited to current patients.
Contact the Alliance for Smiles office if you would like advertising material to place in your dental office. AfS can also provide before and after photos of children who have received free surgery through the work of AfS, so that everyone knows where their donation is going.
Here is an EXAMPLE of how a Chicago area dental office worked this AfS fundraiser in one day
All staff arrived early to set up. There were wto receptionists scheduling appointments, as well as checking people in for their appointments. They also confirmed every appointment two days prior.
One staff member was involved with hospitality. Coffee and bagels and lunch were brought in for staff who volunteered their time. The hospitality person checked in on all rooms and discussed and promoted the great work that Alliance for Smiles is doing. An AfS video was played in the reception area, as well as in the operatories.
Patients were pre-scheduled every 20 minutes from 8am to 1pm. Four rooms were used to take impressions. 2 to 4 staff members poured molds and fabricating trays. After impressions were taken, the patient set up their delivery date for their trays. Some came back later that day, others later in the week.
This office charged $150.00 for the teeth whitening procedure on this special fundraising day. The entire $150.00 was donated to Alliance for Smiles. Whitening trays are typically a $350.00 value in this office. Many people wrote a check for more than the $150.00. In one day, this dental office in Chicago raised more than $10,000.00 for Alliance for Smiles and the office gained several new patients.
If you have any questions about the functioning aspects of this fundraiser, we can give you plenty more information. You can also directly contact the Chicago area dental office exampled above. Please find their contact information below.
Mary Jensen, RDH,MS Dental Hygienist / Alliance for Smiles Volunteer Contact Info: The Office of Patrick O’Flaherty, DDS 2033 Ogden Ave Downers Grove, IL 60515 Phone: (630) – 963- 6750
Gogo Smile Ambassadors
Among our newest of programs, GSA is designed to allow ANYONE at ANY LEVEL to help us by fundraising in their own name within their own social circle (ie you will get all the credit, fame and fortune that goes hand-in-hand with doing good!) and with as many or few hours as you want to contribute.
1. To get started just email or call us at (415) 647-4481. We will get you all set-up. Not to worry if you are new to social media, it’s easy.
2. Set a minimum fundraising goal: we encourage you to adopt a minimum goal of $1,000. This will provide a complete and transformative cleft operation to one child.
3. Tell the AfS story as your intro to the “ask” (we have templates you can use all ready to go) and ask away.
4. Reach out to your network by social media, email or phone. Ask everyone you know to donate and to share everyone they know.
Get Involved
Our Partners
We could not continue our mission without our valued partners and supporters:
Wrap-A-Smile Quilt-Makers
HEDCO Foundation
Frankenburg Foundation
Tarbell Foundation
GuoFeng Charity Foundation

When AfS plans a medical mission, we need to work with on‐site partners to coordinate all aspects of the mission. Since our first days, our primary partner in China has been the China Population Welfare Foundation (CPWF). We could not complete a mission without their invaluable support. Months before a mission even begins CPWF works with other governmental organizations to find the hospitals, complete patient screening, and deal with obtaining temporary medical licenses for our team. Once we are on site, CPWF provides food and accommodation for our team and for the patients and their families. They also send representatives who remain on site for the entire mission to handle any other logistics.
In 2012 a campaign was conducted by the Guizhou Provincial Family Planning Association to provide an approximate count of un-repaired cleft lip and palate cases in the Guizhou Province of China. Twelve Hundred untreated children were found, and they subsequently signed an agreement with CPWF to treat these children. Alliance for Smiles, as part of the Happy Smiles program, developed a plan with these two agencies to treat this backlog of 1200 patients over a three year period, and to eventually establish two Treatment Centers in major cities of the Province.
As part of this plan, AfS has completed ten medical missions in the Guizhou Province, and the two Treatment Centers have been founded in Zunyi and Guiyang! We are very proud to be part of this important project, and it would not have been possible without our partnership with CPWF.
Adriana Quintero
Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office
Jean & David Rosenblum
Cecile Chiquette
Chris & Diane Davies
Mary Liu & James S Wong
McRoskey Mattress
Chef Vaughn
Diane & Karl Wustrack, MD
San Francisco Fire Department
San Francisco Warriors
Ron Layne
Redwood Credit Union
Merchants Exchange Club
Wendy Schaefer Design