Author: paul (Paul vazquez)

Team Flags

Team Flags

Look what CPWF made for our operating rooms.  Each OR has flags from various team members. Jenny is holding the CPWF flag, and Paul is holding the Alliance for Smiles flag. CPWF (China Population Welfare Foundation) has been our partner on the ground in China since our very first mission in 2005. We couldn’t have...

Our International Team in Zhaotong, China

Our International Team in Zhaotong, China

Our International Team in Zhaotong, China! Myrna Sullivan OR nurse from USA, Li Xiaolin from CPWF in China, Lynn Chan anesthesiologist from Australia, and Li Bin anesthesiologist from China!   Click Here for more stories from the Alliance for Smiles 2018 Zhaotong, China Mission!

Day Two in Zhaotong China

Day Two in Zhaotong China

It’s Day Two in the OR for the Zhaotong 2018 mission. There are 7 surgeries on the schedule today, our first day for palate repairs. Patients range in age from 5 months to 12 years. Today was also the first day for rounds by the surgeons to see the patients from yesterday. They are recovering...