First Day in Accra, Ghana

Our team is back in Ghana for the first time in over a decade and we could not be more excited to be bringing smiles to those in need in this beautiful country! We were greeted at Greater Accra Regional Hospital by their friendly staff and members of the Rotary Club of Accra-West and after short introductions, we got straight to work.

Clinic was held in a tent (air conditioned, thank goodness!) on campus and we screened patients that had traveled from all over the country. A two month old from Bolgatanga, 17 hours away. A five year old from Juaboso, 10 hours away. And a 16 year old from just down the road in Accra, 15 minutes away.

The patients range in age from two months to 40 years old, with varying degrees of cleft abnormalities, but all with hope in their heart.

After a night of much needed rest, our team returned to GARH on Tuesday to begin surgeries. Dr. Zarella, from Portland, Oregon, and Dr. Karl Wustrack, from San Francisco, California, completed three cleft lip procedures and one palate. All four patients recovered quickly and smoothly. They are all on their way home with a new smile today!