Mission Accomplished – Last Day in Hue, Vietnam

Mission Accomplished! Our surgeons Dr. Wally Chang and Dr. Eric Helling, partnered with Dr. Paula Rand, the team pediatrician, to make their final rounds this morning. The last five patients were ready for check-out. The doctors took extra time explaining all the special instructions and answering the concerned parents’ questions – it’s amazing to think about how far these kids have come in just a few days. The doctors couldn’t stop grinning as they signed-off on those final discharge papers.

Back at the O.R., the rest of the team was in full pack-up mode. Sunny Singh tackled the final paperwork and data entry, while the rest of us packed up equipment for transport. By early afternoon, the entire team boarded a bus bound for Danang, where we’ll finally head our separate ways – Chicago, Tucson, San Francisco, Atlanta, Boston, Seattle, even all the way to Dubai. It’s been an incredible mission, and while we’re all ready to head home, it’s hard not to feel a little bittersweet about saying goodbye to our temporary family.
