The first official workday of our mission started early in the morning on Monday. In the Rizal Medical Center waited for us a friendly local staff. We were excited and full of energy, ready for Opening Clinic.
The record keeper Jackie Lau and the assistant mission director Angela Xiao registered the patients. Then the team photographer Nadezda Tavodova Tezgor photographed each patient with the assistance of the ward coordinator Magdalen Leung. The patients were seen by Lead nurse Myrna Sullivan and PACU nurse Matthew Richmond, followed by the surgeon Dr. Ahmed Gad and OR nurse Leena Turunen, the pediatrician Dr. Martin Beard-Coles, the anaesthesiologists Dr. Chaltu Ayano and Dr. Susan Taylor.
The mission director, Mary Liu, supervised the daily operations as thoroughly as possible.
Lead nurse Myrna Sullivan scheduled the surgeries for the patients who have passed screening and are eligible for surgery in the next days of our mission.
Meanwhile, quartermaster Harry Hairui Wong provided all the necessary supplies for all AfS team. Today we registered 20 patients.
It was a busy first day, but it was also a fulfilling first day as the team had the opportunity to meet the local staff and the patients with their families whose lives they will be transforming over the duration of the mission.